5 Tricks To Answer Exam Questions With The Speed Of Light
The world is currently changing at the speed of light. If you cannot change with at least the speed of sound, then you will miss out of so many things that life has to offer.
Without speed, it is impossible to get the highest score in the exam.
Nobody cares whether you really know the answers to all the questions. What matters is your ability to provide answers to all the questions within the time limit.
Have you written an exam where you could not attempt up to half of the questions due to time constraint? We have all faced similar challenges.
Now, are you aware that some persons who wrote the same examination with you, finished and cross checked their work? The difference between you are that person is the speed factor.
So many persons perform poorly in examinations, not because they were not prepared but, because they answer exam questions with the speed of snail.
In this article, I will emphasize the need for speed and how to overcome the speed factor in any exam.
How To Answer Exam Questions With The Speed Of Light
1. See The Light
To answer exam questions with the speed of light, you need to first see the light.
Light in this context speaks of reading and understanding the nature of questions you will likely encounter in the exam.
You will never answer questions very fast under the topics you are not good at.
Make sure you cover all the topics recommended in the exam syllabus. Go through it over and over again.
Solve as many questions as possible. Any topic you read, ensure to answer at least 20 questions. That should be your minimum.
The average number of questions you should attempt under every topic should be a hundred (100).
Don’t just answer them, make sure you really understand them.
Solve problems to the extent that you will tell yourself, “there is no question I cannot answer under this topic as far as this exam is concerned”.
With this, you have seen the light (prepared for the examination).
2. Practice With The Speed Of Light
Yes! the second step to answer exam questions with the speed of light is to practice and answer likely exam questions with the speed of light. I will make this very simple.
Do you still remember the saying that charity begins at home? They never said that charity begins in the house. They made the home factor very clear.
When you are able to achieve the speed of sound at home, then it becomes very easy to achieve the speed of light in the exam hall.
As you practice questions, time yourself in minutes. As time goes on, begin to solve questions in seconds and milli-seconds.
The truth is that nothing is impossible. This is how I prepare for major exams.
I have been in an exam situation where I didn’t solve 40% of the questions before picking the right answers.
The more you solve with pen, your brain gets matured enough to process and manufacture answers even before you write anything down.
3. Revise Everything Before The Exam
One of the factors that can slow you down in the exam hall is forgetting what you have read.
The more you forget things in the hall, the more your speed drops. In some cases, your speed can drop for that of sound to the speed of snail.
To overcome this factor, you need to revise everything. This is what I called reverse flash in my article on the secrets of successful students.
Never be too busy to revise all over again. Remember, if you are not humble enough, you will stumble. Keep calm and go through it all over.
4. Read The Exam Questions With Full Confidence
Your confidence determines your competence. The more confidence you command, the greater the response from the you-in-you.
The you-in-you is the real you. It is the giant in you that takes only possibility for an answer.
Do not read the questions with fear. Attempt the questions the way you normally solve questions at home.
Do not be too conscious of time when answering exam questions. This is to ensure that you don’t make mistakes. All you need is to remain in the speed of light.
When you combine the mass of the exam questions with your speed of light, your momentum builds up. This momentum will be in the direction of success and high score.
The exam questions are afraid of you. So, you don’t have any valid reason to be afraid.
5. Start From Know To Unknown
Yes! start from the simpler questions.
There are questions that cannot be solved easily and as well those that do not need to be solved.
Solve the questions that will take you milli-seconds first, then the ones that will take you seconds before attempting the questions that consumes minutes.
Congratulations! You have attained the speed of light.
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